- Title of the paper (Max. 20 words)
- Author/s Name, Affiliations and Contact informations (i.e. e-mail)
- Abstract (Approx. 200-250 words)
- Keywords
- Main text (Min. 3500 words)
- Acknowledgments
- Referencing in footnote and bibliography following Chicago Manual – Notes and Bibliography Style (Only sources cited in the footnotes or text should be included in the bibliography)
- The journal prefers British english. (Please check spelling and punctuation according to Oxford dictionary)
- Images, figures, tables, and graphs should all be labeled as Figures and numbered consecutively without any gaps. Captions should have- Title, author or creator, date of publication. (*It is the authors responsibility to acquire copyright permission for any item used in the articles. Please provide a table of figures at the end of the article with references to the sources)